……Whatever is My Style……




Every subject has its own characteristics and specific structure of knowledge which differentiates it with other subjects. The characteristics of sociology are as follow:

  1. Sociology is an intellectual discipline of systemic knowledge development about human relationship and its output.
  2. Sociology studies about human behavior and their interactions, trace back the early start of people as well as analyze the impact of group activities.
  3. The essential topics in sociology are about individual and group behavior that are learnt by observing them. The group covers families, nations, community, government and various organizations (religious, politics, business, etc).
  4. Sociology is developed as a scientific knowledge institution that broaden theories based on scientific observations rather than just speculations.


Standard of competencies of Sociology for Senior High School are as follow:

  1. Understanding life behavior based on values and norms in a society.
  2. Applying values and norms for personal self development.
  3. Understanding social structure and various  factors that cause conflict and social mobility.
  4. Analyzing social group in multicultural community.
  5. Understanding the impact of social change.
  6. Understanding social organizations.
  7. Practicing social observation method.



Below are the characteristic of anthropology :

  1. Anthropology is a discipline that studies human-beings with their activities comprehensively. Human is the creator of culture. On the other hand culture “creates” human, hence, there is a very close mutual relationship between human and culture.
  2. Anthropology studies human and civilization as a social cultural system. In a culture, language has unique and honorable place. It is the component of culture as well as the most important tool of developing and distributing the culture itself.
  3. Essential topics in anthropology studies about the components of culture of every society that include religious system, family tree system and social organization, live hood system, language, skills and knowledge, tools and technology and art.
  4. Anthropology is developed as a scientific knowledge institution that broaden theories based on scientific observations rather than just speculations.


The competencies of Anthropology for Senior high School are as follow:

     No Aspects Competencies
1   Anthropology as a subject that studies about human and culture   Branches of anthropology
2   Diversity of local culture   1.  Local culture

2.  The impact of foreign culture

3   Components of culture   Religious system, family tree, live hood, art, language, knowledge
4   Culture dynamical   Characteristic of culture dynamical
5   National Integration   Trigger and barrier
6   National culture heritage   Traditional and modern society
7   Language and accent   Verbal tradition, Austronesia and Papua language
8   Art system   The progress of art in indonesia
9   Religious system   Religious behaviour
10   Knowledge and Technology   1.  The development of knowledge and technology

2.  Ethnography study

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